A partnership is born between Itway Group and AIAS, Italian Environment and Safety Association.
From this collaboration, the first event together took place on Friday, September 22 with focus on:
“The Use of AI for Improving Safety in the Workplace.”
This was a free event. This webinar issued 1 hour of training credits for RSPP/ASPP/CSP/CSE/Trainers.
Today we are hearing more and more about Artificial Intelligence and its uses in both work and everyday life.
What about in the world of safety?
Is it possible to use it there as well?
If yes, with what practical applications?
“Itway a company specializing in Digital Transformation using an algorithm capable of recognizing people in potential danger with the help of artificial intelligence (convolutional neural network) applied to video analysis has developed and patented ICOY MOVER, an innovative system that allows preventing accidents/”near misses” in the workplace. The webinar sought to answer the questions posed with a participle slant by highlighting how technology can help the issues in our industry.”
Massimo Mori – Account Manager ICOY
Massimo Fanelli – General Director Itway
Friday 22 September 2023 from 16:30 to 18:00
To register CLICK HERE